It is not often that I start out saying, "I'm going to paint a fairy." However, after looking at various mushroom artwork, I suddenly found myself inspired to create this. My passion is to create artwork freely, without intentions or desired results - so creating something that others can identify was a little of a challenge for me.
This was my first time to paint a fairy. I started by laying down basic fairy type shapes from my memory and then developed some swirly patterns on the fairy clothing and gradually built up the features of their face. I like the saturation levels of purple and blue and decided to use these as my primary pallet colors along with accents of pink. I worked on this painting off and on for eight days. I enjoyed painting freely on certain elements but always find it a struggle when building up facial features.
Watch the video below to see some sped up snippets as I work on "Fairy." I used my Surface and Corel Painter primarily and a little Photoshop for minor tweaks.